Personal Rantings

Baby Face…A Blessing or a curse?

So, I have a baby face. I really do. I’m a baby stuck in an 18 (nearly 19) year old’s body. Think of all the things to do with chubby cheeks and that has happened to me – the endless grandma cheek pitches!

I never really thought much of it until I was looking back at my old pictures from high school and primary school. Then, I looked in the mirror…I STILL LOOK THE BLOODY SAME! It’s like my body grew but my face just wasn’t having it. Like, ‘NOPE! I’M NOT WITH THIS PUBERTY CRAP!’ Well, I just look a bit more tired – that’s what the education system does to you.

It also doesn’t help when I see people from my old school and they’ve clearly changed, in the sense that they look more mature. I’ve had a few people tell me that I haven’t changed at all (in terms of my looks) since high school. I LEFT THAT PLACE 3 YEARS AGO!! Hearing that does annoy me, but at the same time, I can only laugh. I don’t know if the whole, ‘baby faces age better’ is true (to be honest, I hope it is).

On the flip side, my baby face does let me down at times. There are times when I’m trying to express my strong opinions to someone, whether it be my older brother or some other family member. Since in their minds, I’m still this chubby, 5-year old kid, they don’t seem to take what I say seriously. Yes, this baby does have opinions and sometimes, rather strong ones! I don’t know if it’s just me, but I hate being called “cute” when I get really passionate about a subject, to the point where it may make me angry. Calling me “cute” while I’m serious, makes it sound as if my opinions aren’t as worthy.

Also, don’t get me started on the endless face exercises I’ve tried to get rid of my baby cheeks. They don’t work. Like, I could go to the gym and get a six-pack bu-oh look cookies!

Anyway…I’m ranting. I would like to know, how has having a baby face (or not) affected you?

Baby faces unite! 

ANewChapter x 


By anewchapter

Someone who just wants to express her feelings

9 replies on “Baby Face…A Blessing or a curse?”

i have to take in ID for 15 films! That means cinema people think I look 14 max! It doesn’t help that my brother, a year older than me, is super tall and definitely looks his age, if not older, because it makes me look even younger. He’s over six foot! No one believes I’m an adult. Sometimes family friends are like ‘how old r u now?’ and then i reply and they’re shocked. I have big eyes so that makes me look young too. Even if I had a baby face, why couldn’t I inherit the tall gene? That way at least there would be some hope for me! I reckon I’m going to get ID’d until I’m 60 😂

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Woah, I’ve never been ID’d for a 15 film! Yeah, sometimes I get shocked faces from relatives too when they hear how old I am – like they expected me to stay 5 all my life! Ahaha, I hope not


I think my parents are quite shocked too because they don’t want me to grow up – I’m their youngest child and they always see me as the baby haha

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