
It’s been 2 years!

Happy 2 year anniversary of my blog! My writing journey has gone through several stages, points in where I would have no ideas, no inspirations and even questioning my writing abilities.

But, regardless, I’ve made it this far and I’m glad to have this blog and the blogging community be an environment where I can interact with awesome like-minded people.

I’ve not really been giving a lot of publicity to my blogs, mostly because I wanted this to just be safe space where I can put my thoughts and ideas down. I only wanted to share it with a few people but now, I’m ready to not be embarrassed by people asking me questions about my blog.

So, that leads me to my next point…a Q&A! I’ve never done one and I thought why not use this 2-year anniversary post, to announce a Q&A.

If you have any questions, please do ask (keep them nice) and I’ll answer it on next weeks post (8 June).

Thank you to all my followers, readers and those who leave likes and comments ❤

ANewChapter x

By anewchapter

Someone who just wants to express her feelings

6 replies on “It’s been 2 years!”

1) what’s your favourite and least favourite part of uni so far?
2) favourite blog post you’ve written? (that you can remember, you don’t have to scroll through them all😂)
3) favourite place to eat? (restaurant, cafe, whatever)
4) your favourite memory so far in 2018?
5) and what you’re most looking forward to over summer?

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