Personal Rantings Uncategorized

Am I “adult” enough?

I’m 23, which makes me a legal adult. I can do all things that are lawful for an adult to do, allowing me the freedom that a child does not have. But in the last few years or so, especially reaching my 20’s, I couldn’t help but ask – “am I “adult” enough?” I often […]

Motivational Uncategorized

Want Your Goals to Come True? Write Them Down

Hi my lovely readers! For those that follow me, I haven’t posted in a while – sorry but also thank you to those that still engage with my posts when I’ve been away. Hope you’ve all been well 🙂 I have mentioned journaling and its benefits previously in my post from a few years ago: […]

Motivational Uncategorized

When life doesn’t go to plan – a rejection can be a re-direction

**This post is a personal experience, so please treat it as a case study, as everyone’s paths in life are different, but I hope that this post will give some relief to those who are trying to find jobs at the moment. We’ve all experienced disappointment, especially this past year when all our plans and […]

Personal Rantings Uncategorized

Social Media Detox

I’ve seen lots of Youtube videos recently talking about detoxing from social media and one of my new years resolution was to use social media less – mostly Instagram. I wanted to write about my break from social media. At around mid-2019, I tried to use Instagram less and would set those timers that would […]


A Quick Reminder: Breathe

Imagine this. You’re driving a car, one that you didn’t choose. You didn’t even know that you’ll be the driver, it just happened. You are told to drive. Drive. DRIVE! But, you don’t know where you’re going…there’s no one in the car with you. It’s just you and only you. Given no training, no directions, […]

Personal Rantings

Feeling Exposed: Confidence Without Make-up

From a very young age, I would always look up to women who wore make-up. The women on TV and films had this glow, this confidence that I envied. So, I would steal my mother’s lipstick, redden my lips and cheeks and couldn’t wait to grow up so I can properly start wearing make-up. I […]

Personal Rantings

I’m “Smart”, Trust Me

I was told to be good at school, not to have a dream. I am at a moment in my life, where while I’m studying (I’m going to start my second year of university next week), I also need to plan ahead of a potential career. That’s seriously scary for me. Honestly, I should have […]


Her D-Day

There she goes. All dolled up with gold and diamond hanging from head to toe. Today is the most important day of her life. A day that has been planned from the moment she was born. What happened before this day doesn’t matter, for she was not complete. Her life will now have meaning, will have […]


How Do I Forget You?

How do I turn them off? These feelings. So I can feel nothing for you. I don’t want them anymore…it hurts so much. During moments when I should be using my head, instead of my heart, that is when you show up. Suddenly. Suddenly, every thought is about you. Reminding me, that I will never […]

Personal Rantings

What Went Wrong?

As someone who had a lot of expectations of myself when I was younger, my biggest fear has occurred –  disappointing myself. This thought came to me suddenly, when I woke up this morning. I don’t know what caused it, but before I knew it, I was unable to stop myself from crying. The tears […]